Sinful Hot Chocolate

If you know my dad or me even a little, you will know that we both love chocolate. And if you us better, you will know that we both really, reallllyyy love hot chocolate. But, for some reason or other, I never make it at home. So, at midnight, when I had a craving for a hot, steamy cup, I decided to make one. Although, I didn’t really have the patience to use a double-boiler, so, I made it in the microwave.

1.5 to 2 tbsp cocoa 70% chocolate or a good unsweetened baking chocolate
pinch of nutmeg
Splash of vanilla
3 tsp brown or muscovado or raw sugar
pour into heated glass
1 cup milk (I used skimmed but I’m sure full fat would be much more decadent)
Whipped cream, chocolate shavings to top it off

1. Add the sugar to the milk and warm the milk. Cold milk with not mix as well with the chocolate.
2. Whisk warmed with a coil whisk until frothy
2. Chop the chocolate into little pieces
3. Microwave the chopped chocolate for a minute, check every few seconds to make sure it doesn’t burn. Let it sit for 1-2 minutes. Once the chocolate bits have melted, slowly stir it, it should be silky smooth.
4. Add the vanilla extract and/or nutmeg. Only add this after the melted chocolate has had a chance to slightly cool down, adding it to really hot chocolate will damage the flavor.
4. Pour the whisked milk over the chocolate. Add it in very small batches, about 1 tbsp at a time , mix well before adding more. The mix should be smooth before adding more. Once the chocolate and the milk have mixed completely, about halfway thru, you can add the rest of it in.
5. Top with the milk foam,and real heavy with whipped cream and sprinkled chocolate shavings

Absolutely divine !!